Co-author: the wikiHow team | 11 References
In this article: To discourage mice from entering the house To set up obstacles against mice To trap mice Summary of the article
Having mice in your home is not only a nuisance, because of the damage they do, but they can be a health hazard. They make holes, attack food, make their poop, which leaves odors. Hunting mice is not easy because the animal is small, fast and intelligent. If you are using chemicals (daring), take precautions. Be aware however that it is possible to get rid of mice without using these dangerous products. These methods are just as effective and most often, you do not need to kill the animal.
Discourage mice from entering the house
Image titled Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 8
Have a house always clean. Mice that enter a house do not seek shelter, but food. If you can hardly prevent them from entering, it is possible to prevent them from staying long if they can not find anything to eat. All your food should be locked (cupboards) and safe from the lust of mice [1] .
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 9
Put some essential oil of peppermint. It has a very strong odor, which makes it a repellent for many animals. The other advantage is that this smell masks those food residues that may be at home, the mice do not feel them. The essential oil of peppermint is bought in health stores, pharmacies and some supermarkets [2] .
Put a drop or two on a piece of cotton.
Place this cotton near your garbage can to discourage them from coming to find food.
Place such pieces of cotton near all the places where the mice are likely to go out (no door, various conduits ...)
These cottons must be replaced every week, everything depends on the amount of oil you put.
Plant peppermint near the entrances to the house. This plant will be used to hunt mice and you can use it in the kitchen.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 10
Use dried snake excrement. If there are any near you, go to a zoo or pet store and ask if they have dried snake droppings. Then place them on the waypoints of the mice. They will make a great detour [3] .
These excrements should be placed in areas out of reach of children and pets.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 11
Move the mice away with ultrasound. On the Internet or in gardening stores, you can find these devices that emit ultrasound. They are intended to make flee many pests (mice, field mice, moles ...)
Some of these devices send directed ultrasound, that is, in one direction only. It will be up to you to fix it in the right direction.
However, these devices have against them having to be used shortly. Indeed, the mice are malignant and have quickly understood that these devices do not constitute a danger [4] .
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 12
Use a commercially available natural repellent. In the line of organic fashion, companies specialized in gardening quickly realized the interest they had in offering natural products to fight against pests. Among the plants used in these products, peppermint occupies a place of first choice. These products do not kill mice, but move them away.
These products are on sale in garden centers and in supermarkets dedicated to the home. If you have been advised of a very specific product, there is a good chance you will find it on the internet.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 13
Adopt or buy a cat. However, you do not have the guarantee of acquiring a cat hunter mouse. Take a cat that lives as well as outside. Even if yours is well fed, his hunter instinct will make sure he will watch over your house. In this case, it will drop its prey to a place where you can see it. Other cats will not be interested.
If you do not have a cat at home, ask a neighbor who has one, used litter. Place in containers at strategic locations. The simple smell of litter should keep mice away.
If you have a lot of mice, a cat may not be enough. However, if you get rid of it by another means, your cat will be able to go on guard alone [5] .
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 14
Place your bins as far as possible from the house. These last ones inevitably attract the mice: it is a pantry for them. The further away they are from your dwelling, the less likely the mice will be to enter.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 15
Attract birds of prey near you. Some birds feed on mice and field mice. If you build a niche for them, it is likely that a couple will come to settle, sanitizing your property. Do not be in a hurry, the birds are wild, but still try to attract them near you. Learn about them [6] .
Make a niche or a repository safe for them.
The ideal is to attract nocturnal birds like an owl or an owl. If you succeed, you will be able to sleep soundly: the mice will not come anymore.
Set obstacles against mice
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 1
Locate the mouse entry point (s) [7] . You have to look carefully at some places where you will see traces and excrement left by mice. The smell can also guide you. A mouse hole is small, it's even his definition!
If the mouse holes are well hidden, mark their locations with a chalk. You can find them later.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 2
Plug the holes inside the house. We must always start this way so that the mice can turn back. If they find that they can not enter, they will go elsewhere [8] .
For very small holes, putty or filler may be sufficient. If you have noticed larger holes in your drywall, for example, you will have to install a wire mesh, which will be covered. It is a big job, but it is at this price that you will be quiet.
Make sure all your skirting boards are properly wall-mounted. Indeed, mice are able to slip between the two.
If the mice are trapped inside, they will do everything to find a way out and dig new holes. This is why we must always leave free the outer holes that will be plugged at the last moment, when there will be no more mice.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 3
Close the entrance holes to the outside of the house. It is often recommended to put steel wool, but it has the disadvantage of rusting. You can also put a green scouring pad or a small copper plate, which will be cut to size and fastened securely. This can only be a temporary solution, you will have to plug the hole or holes, usually with cement [9] .
Once the inside holes are clogged and the mice gone, plug the outer holes. Clogging will depend on the material (cement, brick, wood ...). Make repairs in the optics that the mice will no longer be able to enter your home.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 4
Put your house under surveillance. After blocking the supposed mouse holes, see if there is any trace of any activity from these unwanted hosts. If so, see if your repairs are still effective and there are no new holes. If your mice have dug recently, they must be obstructed.
Once the problem is resolved, clean the areas in front of the clogged holes. Remove the mouse droppings and wash the floor with bleach to remove the odor. Prepare a solution of one volume of bleach per 10 of water [10] .
Trapping mice
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 5
Try to trap the living mice. In specialized shops or on the Internet, you will find mouse traps of all sizes. The principle is simple: after putting a food (cheese) at the bottom of the trap, the mouse can enter, but can not come out. This type of trap is ideal for those who do not like mice at home, but do not want to hurt them [11] .
Once the mouse (s) is captured, take your trap and take them away from home, several miles away. There, you can release them in the nature.
Do not kill the trapped mice. It is not by killing rodents that you will prevent them from returning (when one of the rodents dies, another comes to take his place to take advantage of the available resources) and in addition, this could allow other rodents to have temporary access to more food and therefore to reproduce more quickly.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 6
Make a homemade mouse trap. For this you will need a glass bowl or salad bowl and a coin. Place a small piece of cheese on the ground, cover it with the bowl or the salad bowl put upside down. Now you have to lift the container on one side and leave an opening for the mouse to enter. This opening will be obtained by keeping the edge of the container on the edge of a coin. The trap will be placed at a location that you suspect is a place of passage.
The mouse will enter the container to collect the cheese, which must touch the container so that the mouse moves it. The precarious balance will be broken and the mouse trapped.
Remove the mouse and take her away from home.
Image intitulée Take Care of Goldfish Step 1
Draw the mice into an oscillating bottle. Take a plastic bottle that will be placed horizontally on a table. This bottle is oscillating in the middle thanks to a horizontal axis. Inside, put a piece of cheese. The neck must be at a wooden wedge, which will allow the mouse to enter. Once inside the bottle, the mouse will want to come out, but it will lower the neck which will be closed by the wedge: it is trapped.
You must check the strength of your installation and your settings. If the hold is not secure or if the neck is too far from the hold, the mouse will take off.
Check your trap frequently.
Just put the bottle upright and drop the unfortunate mouse away from home.
Image intitulée Get Rid of Mice Naturally Step 7
Throw a towel on the mouse. It's a temporary trap, so you have to act fast. Flip on this towel a wastebasket. Fold the towel over the trash. Then slide a piece of cardboard under the basket to close it. Turn everything over, keeping the cardboard on the basket.
Take it all away, preferably in a wood.
Once far enough, release the mouse.
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